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The future starts at Cell & Tissue Tech
C&TT was founded to provide physicians, biologists, pharmacologists and other scientists worldwide with reliable measurement methods, instruments and systems for in vitro cell and tissue research. We ensure that our and our partners' instruments are state-of-the-art, highly automated, and expandable with AI applications. The instruments are designed to allow a wide range of experimental approaches and, with their standardized peripherals, avoid costly in-house development by the user, but can still be operated by trained personnel and not exclusively by specialists.
The Cell Force Analyzer (CFArefer) is a measurement device for cellular mechano-biological studies. It precisely measures mechanical forces (stresses) of eukaryotic cell layers and their changes due to biochemical, pharmacological, or mechanical interventions.

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The Cell Force Analyzer (CFArefer) is a measurement device for cellular mechano-biological studies. It precisely measures mechanical forces (stresses) of eukaryotic cell layers and their changes due to biochemical, pharmacological, or mechanical interventions. Biochemisch pharamkologische Investigations of the effect of the substance on cell forces provide dose-response curves, reversibility data (wash-out), and time courses of the effect of the substance over several days.
Yes, in two ways. 1) By adding the substances directly to the test suspension above the test cell layers. However, 2) often the efficacy of natural remedies only unfolds via their metabolites in the blood plasma of treated donors. Such substance effects can be measured by exposing test cells in the cellDrum to the donors's autologous blood plasma. It is important to note that the device currently has no medical device clearance and is for research purposes only. Ethics committee decisions must be obtained independently of this if studies on test subjects are planned.
The compact device fits on any laboratory bench or under a clean-bench hood. The physical force sensor is an ultra-thin, flexible, and biocompatible PDMS membrane forming the bottom of a cell culture cylinder on which cells are seeded: The CellDrumTM. In addition to biological applications, CFArefer
The device uses quality-tested CellDrum sensors to detect minute contractions of the silicone membrane caused by cellular forces. These are then measured and analyzed.